符号执行技术使用符号值代替数字值执行程序,得到的变量的值是由输入变 量的符号值和常量组成的表达式。符号执行技术首先由King在1976年提出 ,经过三十多年的发展,现在仍然被广泛研究,它在软件测试和程序验证中发挥着重 要作用。符号执行是一种重要的形式化方法和静态分析技术,它使用数学和逻辑 首先定义一些基本概念。程序的路径(path)是程序的一个语句序列,这个 语句序列包括程序的一些顺序的代码片段,代码片段之间的连接是由于分支语句 导致的控制转移。一个路径是可行的(feasible),是指存在程序输入变量的至少一组值,如果以这组值作为输入,程序将沿着这条路径执行。否则,路径就是不 可行的(infeasible)。路径条件(path condition,PC)是针对一个路径的,它是一 个关于程序输入变量的符号值的约束,一组输入值使得程序沿着这条路径执行当 且仅当这组输入值满足这条路径的路径条件。具体看这里,链接
当然这款工具在CTF中的运用还是比较火的,在一些国际比赛中经常会看到它所带来的神奇之处,比如下面我们将要讲的的DEFCON CTF Qualifier 2016 baby-re这道题它仅仅用了10min就完成看了自动化分析拿到了flag。angr的github地址为,链接
- 安装独立python虚拟环境,virtualenvwrapper是一个python的虚拟环境,使用这个的主要原因是angr会对于libz3 or libVEX产生修改,为了防止对已经安装的库的修改而影响到到之后其他程序的使用,使用一个python的虚拟机环境是一个不错的选择。
| sudo apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev build-essential virtualenvwrapper
- 列出虚拟环境列表:workon,也可以使用:lsvirtualenv
- 新建虚拟环境:mkvirtualenv [虚拟环境名称]
- 启动/切换虚拟环境:workon [虚拟环境名称]
- 删除虚拟环境:rmvirtualenv [虚拟环境名称]
- 离开虚拟环境:deactivate
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| longlong@ubuntu:~/examples/defcon2016quals_baby-re_0$ workon angr (angr) longlong@ubuntu:~/examples/defcon2016quals_baby-re_0$ python Python 2.7.6 (default, Oct 26 2016, 20:30:19) [GCC 4.8.4] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import angr
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| #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> char *sneaky = "SOSNEAKY"; int authenticate(char *username, char *password) { char stored_pw[9]; stored_pw[8] = 0; int pwfile; if (strcmp(password, sneaky) == 0) return 1; pwfile = open(username, O_RDONLY); read(pwfile, stored_pw, 8); if (strcmp(password, stored_pw) == 0) return 1; return 0; } int accepted() { printf("Welcome to the admin console, trusted user!\n"); } int rejected() { printf("Go away!"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char username[9]; char password[9]; int authed; username[8] = 0; password[8] = 0; printf("Username: \n"); read(0, username, 8); read(0, &authed, 1); printf("Password: \n"); read(0, password, 8); read(0, &authed, 1); authed = authenticate(username, password); if (authed) accepted(); else rejected(); }
这个程序的逻辑很简单,样例程序的功能就是让你输入用户名和密码,然后authenticate函数会进行检验,如果失败就显示Go away,反之就显示认证成功。
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| import angr def basic_symbolic_execution(): p = angr.Project('fauxware') state = p.factory.entry_state() path = p.factory.path(state) pathgroup = p.factory.path_group(path) pathgroup.step(until=lambda lpg: len(lpg.active) > 1) input_0 = pathgroup.active[0].state.posix.dumps(0) input_1 = pathgroup.active[1].state.posix.dumps(0) if 'SOSNEAKY' in input_0: return input_0 else: return input_1 def test(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': print basic_symbolic_execution()
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| (angr) longlong@ubuntu:~/examples/fauxware$ python solve.py SOSNEAKY (angr) longlong@ubuntu:~/examples/fauxware$
这道题是DEFCON CTF Qualifier 2016 baby-re0,在打开二进制可执行文件后,我们向下移动到主要的底部,看到0x4028e7有两条非常明显的路径,一条路径是0x402941,打印出错误。另一条是0x4028e9,将会打印出flag。但是这个程序的中间有大量的繁琐的指令,看的人眼花缭乱,接下来我们用angr解决这个问题。

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| import angr def main(): proj = angr.Project('./baby-re', load_options={'auto_load_libs': False}) path_group = proj.factory.path_group(threads=4) path_group.explore(find=0x40294b, avoid=0x402941) print path_group.found[0].state.posix.dumps(0) return path_group.found[0].state.posix.dumps(1) if __name__ == '__main__': print(repr(main()))
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| (angr) longlong@ubuntu:~/examples/defcon2016quals_baby-re_0$ python solve.py WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:34:11,976 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:34:14,865 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:34:19,274 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:34:26,447 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:34:38,414 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:34:58,141 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:35:24,905 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:36:00,673 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:36:45,998 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:37:48,193 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:39:20,551 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:41:20,080 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. WARNING | 2017-04-09 16:44:18,468 | simuvex.plugins.symbolic_memory | Concretizing symbolic length. Much sad; think about implementing. +000000077+000000097+000000116+000000104+000000032+000000105+000000115+000000032+000000104+000000097+000000114+000000100+000000033B 'Var[0]: Var[1]: Var[2]: Var[3]: Var[4]: Var[5]: Var[6]: Var[7]: Var[8]: Var[9]: Var[10]: Var[11]: Var[12]: The flag is: Math is hard!\n' (angr) longlong@ubuntu:~/examples/defcon2016quals_baby-re_0$
大概10min后我们得到的flag 是Math is hard!